This home page is under the teacher namespace. I'm using this page mainly to store wiki snippets and test features. Nothing important to see here ladies and gentlemen. Please keep moving. Yes, this way… or that way… Oh… OK.. that way will be fine.
Attribute | PmWiki | Dokuwiki |
Tables | Easy to modify attributes of tables. Can use %. | Attributes require plugin and more work. Can't make 0 borders. |
Media | Impossible, almost | Easy breezy |
Permissions | Allows page permissions | There may be a plugin for page permissions, but haven't found one yet. There needs to be some way for users to protect their own pages. |
Dokuwiki links:
<html> <form
action="https://formspree.io/f/xgepnkgq" method="POST"
<label> Your message:<br> <textarea name="message" rows="10" cols="50"></textarea> </label>
<!-- your other form fields go here -->
<br> <b>Remember to click Send »</b> <button type=“submit”>Send</button> </form> </html>
header 1 | header 2 |
Just testing this wiki out. Let me know if you'd like your own account. Unlike PmWiki, which The Daily runs on, this wiki can have multiple users. | cell B1 |
Heading 1 | Heading 2 | Heading 3 |
Row 1 Col 1 | this cell spans vertically | Row 1 Col 3 |
Row 2 Col 1 | Row 2 Col 3 | |
Row 3 Col 1 | Row 2 Col 3 |
Main Menu |
Here's a link |
Here's another link |
And here's a third link |
Links not active |
For testing only |
Blank 3-column, 3-row table:
teacher/home.txt · Last modified: 2021/02/08 16:47 by dan